M.S. in Human Systems Engineering

The Master of Science (MS) degree in Human Systems Engineering (HSE) is a two-year program offered through the Human Systems Engineering program at Arizona State University Polytechnic School (part of the Fulton Schools of Engineering).
Areas of specific focus have included aviation, consumer products, educational technology, health care, military applications, cyber security, and public safety. Students in this program will have opportunities for practical experience in diverse laboratories as well as internships in a variety of settings.
HSE MS and PhD programs are accredited by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Why Human Systems Engineering?
The program is hands-on and challenging, and the field is growing quickly, creating opportunities for further study and employment. The areas of application include:
- User Experience
- Human systems Integration
- Healthcare Human Factors
- Learning design
- Sports psychology
- Aviation human factors
- Human-Robot Interaction
Recent graduates are working at places like Intel, Boeing, GoDaddy.com and the Air Force Research Lab. Recipients of our master’s have also gone on to pursue a doctorate at ASU and other prestigious programs. The program offers specialized training to complement the B.S. in human systems engineering in the Polytechnic School.
Students currently enrolled in the BS in Human Systems Engineering degree program can select the Accelerated Master’s Degree option.
Choose from five concentration areas:
All students within the MS Human Systems Engineering program will complete the following degree requirements:
30 credit hours and a Thesis, or
30 credit hours including the required applied project course (HSE 593), or
30 credit hours and a portfolio
Required Core (12 credit hours)
- HSE 520 Methods and Tools in Applied Cognitive Science (3)
- HSE 530 Intermediate Statistics for Human Systems Engineering (3)
- HSE 531 Data Analytics: Modeling Human Subjects Data (3)
- HSE 542 Foundations of Human Systems Engineering (3)
Additional coursework and admission criteria will vary depending on concentration. Please click below for more details.
The MS in HSE program emphasizes the application of psychological science, cognitive science, and engineering principles to diverse areas, including decision making, health, human factors, human-computer interaction, learning and education, perception, social processes, team cognition, usability, and product development.
Please refer to the MS Human Systems Engineering Handbook located on the left side bar for additional information.
Applicants to the MS HSE must meet the following admission requirements:
- Minimum of an earned U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an international institution that is officially recognized by that country in psychology or a similar field (including engineering, computer science, or business).
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in their first bachelor’s degree program, or in the last 60 hours of a student’s first bachelor’s degree program.
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in a minimum of nine semester hours of graduate work from a U.S institution; or a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00=A) from an applicable conferred master’s degree program in a regionally accredited college or university, if applicable.
- If the applicant does not meet the minimum GPA requirements, the application may still be considered. In certain cases, demonstrated aptitude through professional experience or additional post baccalaureate education will be considered.
- An online Graduate College application.
- Official transcript from each college or university attended. Applicants may upload legible unofficial transcripts as part of the online application; if admitted official transcripts are then required.
- No GRE requirement
- Submit a professional resume and personal statement as part of the online admissions application.
- Three (3) letters of recommendation
- International applicants must also meet the English proficiency requirements, as defined by Graduate Admissions. Please be sure to review the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE score requirements, as your application will not be processed without valid proof of English proficiency.
- 300-500 word research summary (instructions within application)
Aviation Human Factors
The MS program in human systems engineering with a concentration in aviation human factors provides students with a deep understanding of the science of human performance and experience in the aerospace and aviation industries.
In addition to the MS HSE core requirements, students in this concentration must also complete 6 credits of concentration coursework in:
- AMT 533 Aviation Systems and Psychology
- AMT 565 Safety in Complex Systems
Please refer to the MS Human Systems Engineering Handbook located on the left side bar for additional information.
Applicants to the MS HSE (Aviation Human Factors) must meet the following admission requirements:
- Minimum of an earned U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an international institution that is officially recognized by that country in psychology, engineering, aeronautical management, or a similar field.
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in their first bachelor’s degree program, or in the last 60 hours of a student’s first bachelor’s degree program.
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in a minimum of nine semester hours of graduate work from a U.S institution; or a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00=A) from an applicable conferred master’s degree program in a regionally accredited college or university, if applicable.
- If the applicant does not meet the minimum GPA requirements, the application may still be considered. In certain cases, demonstrated aptitude through professional experience or additional post baccalaureate education will be considered.
- An online Graduate College application.
- Official transcript from each college or university attended. Applicants may upload legible unofficial transcripts as part of the online application; if admitted official transcripts are then required.
- No GRE requirement
- Submit a professional resume and personal statement as part of the online admissions application.
- Three letters of recommendation
- International applicants must also meet the English proficiency requirements, as defined by Graduate Admissions. Please be sure to review the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE score requirements, as your application will not be processed without valid proof of English proficiency.
- 300-500 word research summary (instructions within application)
Health Systems
The MS program in human systems engineering with a concentration in health systems provides current and future managers with the technical expertise they will need to lead efficient health care systems.
In addition to the MS HSE core requirements, students in this concentration must also complete 6 credits of concentration coursework from the following list:
- BMI 605 Health Information Systems and Applications
- BMI 613 Workflow Analysis and Redesign in Health Systems Engineering
- BMI 616 Clinical Decision Support and Evidence-Based Medicine
- HCD 502 Foundations of U.S Health Systems and Design
- HCD 570 Process Engineering
- HCD 575 Health Care Transformation and Professionalism
Please refer to the MS Human Systems Engineering Handbook located on the left side bar for additional information.
Applicants to the MS HSE (Health Systems) must meet the following admission requirements
- Minimum of an earned U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an international institution that is officially recognized by that country in psychology, engineering, health, nutrition, or a similar field.
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in their first bachelor’s degree program, or in the last 60 hours of a student’s first bachelor’s degree program.
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in a minimum of nine semester hours of graduate work from a U.S institution; or a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00=A) from an applicable conferred master’s degree program in a regionally accredited college or university, if applicable.
- If the applicant does not meet the minimum GPA requirements, the application may still be considered. In certain cases, demonstrated aptitude through professional experience or additional post baccalaureate education will be considered.
- An online Graduate College application.
- Official transcript from each college or university attended. Applicants may upload legible unofficial transcripts as part of the online application; if admitted official transcripts are then required.
- No GRE requirement
- Submit a professional resume and personal statement as part of the online admissions application.
- Three letters of recommendation
- International applicants must also meet the English proficiency requirements, as defined by Graduate Admissions. Please be sure to review the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE score requirements, as your application will not be processed without valid proof of English proficiency.
- 300-500 word research summary (instructions within application)
Intelligent Systems
The MS program in human systems engineering with a concentration in health systems provides students with a deep understanding of the science of human performance and experience in the engineering of intelligent systems, robotics and autonomous systems industries.
In addition to the MS HSE core requirements, students in this concentration must also complete 9 credits of concentration coursework from the following list:
- HSE 524 Human Automation Interaction
- EGR 545 Robotic Systems I
- EGR 546 Robotic Systems II
- IFT 511 Analyzing Big Data
- IFT 512 Advanced Analytics for Big Data/AI
Please refer to the MS Human Systems Engineering Handbook located on the left side bar for additional information.
Applicants to the MS HSE (Intelligent Systems) must meet the following admission requirements:
- Minimum of an earned U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an international institution that is officially recognized by that country in engineering, robotics engineering, mathematics, or a similar field. Students must have sufficient mathematics background for this concentration, including up to calculus III and linear algebra.
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in their first bachelor’s degree program, or in the last 60 hours of a student’s first bachelor’s degree program.
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in a minimum of nine semester hours of graduate work from a U.S institution; or a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00=A) from an applicable conferred master’s degree program in a regionally accredited college or university, if applicable.
- If the applicant does not meet the minimum GPA requirements, the application may still be considered. In certain cases, demonstrated aptitude through professional experience or additional post baccalaureate education will be considered.
- An online Graduate College application.
- Official transcript from each college or university attended. Applicants may upload legible unofficial transcripts as part of the online application; if admitted official transcripts are then required.
- No GRE requirement
- Submit a professional resume and personal statement as part of the online admissions application.
- Three letters of recommendation
- International applicants must also meet the English proficiency requirements, as defined by Graduate Admissions. Please be sure to review the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE score requirements, as your application will not be processed without valid proof of English proficiency.
- 300-500 word research summary (instructions within application)
User Experience Research
The MS program in human systems engineering with a concentration in user experience research focuses on how to conduct human-centered and experimental research to produce products that are useful, usable, desirable, efficient, and easy to learn and remember. It focuses on the research, design and validation of system components an end user interacts with, including software user interfaces, documentation, help systems, user support, aesthetics and communication.
In addition to the MS HSE core requirements, students in this concentration must also complete 9 credits of concentration coursework from the following list:
- HSE 521 Methods and Tools in Human Systems Engineering
- HSE 525 Health and Human Systems Engineering
- TWC 511 Principles of Visual Communication
- TWC 514 Visualizing Data and Information
- TWC 544 User Experience
Please refer to the MS Human Systems Engineering Handbook located on the left side bar for additional information.
Applicants to the MS HSE (User Experience Research) must meet the following admission requirements:
- Minimum of an earned U.S. bachelor’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an international institution that is officially recognized by that country in psychology, engineering, user experience, or a similar field.
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in their first bachelor’s degree program, or in the last 60 hours of a student’s first bachelor’s degree program.
- Minimum of 3.00 cumulative GPA (scale is 4.00=A) in a minimum of nine semester hours of graduate work from a U.S institution; or a cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00=A) from an applicable conferred master’s degree program in a regionally accredited college or university, if applicable.
- If the applicant does not meet the minimum GPA requirements, the application may still be considered. In certain cases, demonstrated aptitude through professional experience or additional post baccalaureate education will be considered.
- An online Graduate College application.
- Official transcript from each college or university attended. Applicants may upload legible unofficial transcripts as part of the online application; if admitted official transcripts are then required.
- No GRE requirement
- Submit a professional resume and personal statement as part of the online admissions application.
- Three (3) letters of recommendation
- International applicants must also meet the English proficiency requirements, as defined by Graduate Admissions. Please be sure to review the TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE score requirements, as your application will not be processed without valid proof of English proficiency.
- 300-500 word research summary (instructions within application)
STEM designation makes students within the program at ASU eligible for STEM specific Scholarships, OPT extension for International Students, and expanded GI benefits for Student Veterans.