M.S. in Human Systems Engineering iPOS
Human Systems Engineering
Plan of Study (iPOS)
The Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS) is a list of coursework selected by the student with direction from the graduate committee. The iPOS functions as a contract between the student, the academic unit, and the Graduate College. Students must submit their iPOS by the time they have enrolled for 50 percent of the minimum credit hours required for their degree program. The iPOS form contains degree requirements such as coursework, committee and a culminating experience which must be included before it can be approved. An approved iPOS must be on file prior to completing comprehensive exams, thesis/dissertation.
Based on prior experience, students may be able to advance past certain courses. Some students may choose to fulfill some of their requirements during the summer, or may even choose to enroll in more than 9 credits (full-time) during a semester.
Students will need to include the following to meet the 30 credit hour requirement:
- List items here
Please note that full-time status requires enrollment in 9 credit hours in a semester. If you receive funding via a Graduate Assistant position, full-time requires enrollment in 12 credit hours.