B.S. in Aeronautical Management Technology (Professional Flight)

Our undergraduate professional flight program prepares students for careers as private or commercial pilots.
**NOTE: All applicants must complete the Professional Flight Secondary Admission Materials before they can be considered for the program.
Students in the professional flight concentration learn to fly in an academic environment that prepares graduates for careers as professional pilots. Flight training is offered by a flight provider in aircraft with state-of-the-art avionics using iPads as electronic flight bags. Students may take advantage of pathway agreements for guaranteed interviews with regional airline companies.
Arizona’s clear skies offer the best flying environment in the country. Students have access to state-of-the-art simulators, including a variety of aircraft and flight deck simulation as well as a regional jet flight simulation training device. Other facilities, like the high altitude simulation chamber, provide students with educational opportunities unique among collegiate aviation programs.
This program is for students who are seriously interested in becoming professional airline pilots. Graduates are prepared to assume responsibilities in a wide variety of technically related areas within professional aviation flight operations.
The Federal Aviation Administration certifies flight instruction. All students must complete the following coursework and ratings at ASU in order to maintain the integrity of the degree program: Instrument Rating, Commercial Multi and Single Engine ratings (AMT 150, AMT 205, AMT 210, AMT 250, and AMT 305).
For complete program information, required classes and other details, see the major map.
**The Professional Flight major is not WUE eligible**
**The Professional Flight major is not VA benefit eligible**
Additional Program Fee: Yes
All applicants must complete the Professional Flight Secondary Admission Materials
Career Outlook
The professional flight concentration offers students private pilot, commercial pilot and flight instructor certificates, as well as instrument pilot, instrument instructor and multiengine pilot ratings. With these flight qualifications and the technically based bachelor’s, the graduate has a wide variety of career opportunities, including flight crew service on commercial and business aircraft.
Example Careers
Students who complete this degree program may be prepared for the following careers. Advanced degrees or certifications may be required for academic or clinical positions. Career examples include but are not limited to the following:
- Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers
- Growth Rate*: 8.37%
- Median Salary*: $105,580
- Commercial Pilots
- Growth Rate*: 18.54%
- Median Salary*: $70,000
*Learn more about career outlook, example careers and average salaries from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Statistics cited above are from this resource.
Program Mission Statement
Accelerated Master’s Degree option
Finish two degrees faster by combining advanced undergraduate and graduate coursework during your senior year as part of the accelerated master’s degree program.