Professional Flight Secondary Admission Materials

Contact Aviation
Professional Flight
Secondary Admission Materials Process
This application process applies only to those students seeking admission to the BS Aeronautical Management Technology with the Professional Flight concentration.
**The Professional Flight major is not WUE eligible**
**The Professional Flight major is not VA benefit eligible**
Step 1. Apply to ASU and be admitted to the Aeronautical Management Technology (AMT) program with the Professional Flight concentration.
Apply to ASU at:, following the ASU Admissions deadlines found here. Students must meet the Admissions Requirements for the Fulton Schools of Engineering and ASU to be admissible to the Professional Flight program.
If the applicant meets ASU and Fulton Schools admission requirements, the applicant will be admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Management Technology (AMT) in the Professional Flight concentration. Admission to the Professional Flight concentration at that point is provisional and is the first step in seeking admission to the Professional Flight concentration.
Step 2. Complete the Professional Flight secondary admission materials process.
The secondary admission materials are required to be considered for full professional (non-provisional) status. Upon approval of the secondary admission materials, the AMT program will request updated admission status to full professional status. This update is required in order to enroll in flight courses and to start the flight training part of the Professional Flight program.
This secondary admission process begins with the applicant submitting the completed secondary admission package (outlined below) to the AMT Program. The AMT program will evaluate the required additional information (secondary admission requirements) to competitively determine those students who will be granted admission to the Professional Flight concentration in full professional status. The secondary admission material submissions will be evaluated at the program level and the evaluation process is typically completed within one or two weeks. Upon completion of the AMT program evaluation, the student will be informed of the program’s admission decision. The AMT program will notify the University with the program admissions committee’s decision, and a letter will be sent to the applicant either confirming or denying admission to the Professional Flight concentration.
Submitting all secondary admission materials prior to orientation and registering for first semester courses is necessary in order to register for necessary flight courses.
Step 3. Submit your secondary admissions materials
DO NOT send secondary admission information to the ASU Admissions Office. All secondary admission information MUST be sent directly to the ASU Aviation Program Office through the secondary admission materials upload option or to the address below.
Aeronautical Management Technology Program
ATTN: Aviation Program Admissions Committee
Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus
7442 Innovation Way North
Mesa, AZ 85212
Please contact the AMT Program at 480-727-1021 or through e-mail at [email protected] if there are any questions about admission status.
Please do not submit any additional materials.
If the student is not admitted to the Professional Flight concentration, the student may request to be considered for another program at ASU to include the Air Transportation Management concentration (non-flight) in the AMT Program, Air Traffic Management (non-flight), or Unmanned Aerial Systems (non-flight) if desired. Visit for more information on these programs.