
Contact Aviation

Simulator Building
7442 E Innovation Way North
Mesa, AZ 85212-2880

Phone: (480) 727-1021
Email: [email protected]

Aviation Program visits are by appointment. Prospective students can schedule an appointment to meet our faculty members, tour the Simulator Building and learn more about degree programs at visit.asu.edu


There are some items that all students need. This section outlines the items with descriptions. If you don’t have these items, you’ll need to purchase them prior to starting your flight training at ASU. There are many businesses you may wish to purchase these items from; here are a few sites to help you get started:
Chandler Air Service Pilot Shop: http://aerobatics.com/facility/
Sporty’s Pilot Shop: https://www.sportys.com/pilotshop
ASA: https://www.asa2fly.com/
Jeppesen: https://ww2.jeppesen.com/

There are also a few documents which you need to bring to school since they should be with you whenever you fly. Please make sure you bring your medical certificate, your pilot certificate (this includes student pilot certificates), and your driver’s license.

iPad (Available from Apple).
Memory of  at least 128 GB will ensure you can download and store all the training material and enroute charts and approach plates for offline viewing. Wi-fi enables additional GPS features that can en­hance situational awareness. Plus, you get the added convenience of downloading ForeFlight charts, approach plates, and updates wherever you are. If you already own an iPad, but it does not meet these requirements, you are not required to buy a new one. The description above is only a recommendation. Since the required ATP app is only available for the iPad, a Kindle or other tablet is not sufficient. 

There are a variety of reputable brands available (Bose, David Clarie, Lightspeed, just to name a few) with varying weights and capabilities. Generally speaking, you get what you pay for. One of the common features is called ANR, or active noise reduction. Usually, ANR headsets cost several hundred dollars more than a similar model without ANR. While ANR headsets do block out more ambient noise, the noise levels in the average training aircraft are not high enough that students are in danger of experiencing hearing loss if their head­sets are not ANR. This means that while you may choose to purchase ANR headsets, it is not a necessity to do so, and you will not endanger your hearing if you choose to purchase non­ANR headsets.
View AOPA’s “how to buy a headset” guide. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2001/april/pilot/how-to-buy-a-headset

Aviation plotters are all very similar. About the only real variation is that some plotters are all one piece and some have a part that turns. Either way, they all do the same thing: determine directions and measure distances for flight planning. You’ll need it fqr AMT 182 as well as for flight training. 

An E6B is a computer tailored for the calculations necessary in flight plan­ning. Legend has it that the strange name is due to the fact that back in WWII, that was its military part number. There are manual versions and there are electronic versions. A manual E6B is what we use in AMT 182, and while it is a little strange looking, it is easy to use with a little practice and is more affordable than an electronic E6B. The electronic E6B looks and works more like a calculator, but it does cost more. Please do not pur­chase a mini-E6B or a CR. The mini-E6B tends to be difficult to read due to its size, and the CR tends to not be very user-friendly for beginning pilots. 

Your logbook will serve as your personal record of what you have accomplished. There are a variety of logbooks to choose from, just make sure you purchase a pilot logbook, not an aircraft maintenance logbook. 

Sectional Chart
Sectional charts will be used for navigation and flight planning. However, since they have an expiration date, please wait until you arrive and purchase one from a pilot shop once you arrive. Just ask for a Phoenix sectional. 

Red Lens Flashlight
A red lens flashlight will be important for night flights. Since white light impairs a person’s night vision, red lens flashlights are very popular. 

AMT 182 (Private Pilot Ground School Course) Textbook Requirements
              – Private Pilot Guided Flight Discovery (10001360-6)
                Author: Jeppesen
                Edition: 2018* (Most updated edition is required)
              – Jeppesen Student CSG
              – Flight Navigation Plotter (PN-1)
AMT 182 is the ground school preparation course for the Private Pilot Certificate. Topics include Aerodynamics, navigation, performance, and regulations. These items can be purchased at the ASU Bookstore. https://www.bkstr.com/arizonastatestore/shop/textbooks-and-course-materials 

Optional Items 

The following are some items which many students choose to purchase and find to be helpful, but are not absolutely necessary. 

Flight bag
While you may opt to use your backpack to carry your flight supplies, it is helpful to have a separate bag for your class supplies and your flying supplies. It greatly decreases the likelihood of arriving at your flight lesson to discover you accidentally left something important at home! 

Non-electronic copy of FAR/AIM and Practical Test Standards
The Federal Aviation Regulations and Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM), Practical Test Standards, and a variety of other texts are available on the iPad, but many students prefer to own a physical copy so they can highlight, make notes, etc. 

Test Prep
Ground school courses (AMT 182, 214, 222, etc.) are often geared toward preparing students for a written exam required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Class tests are often generated from the same question bank used for these FAA exams. There are sev­eral companies, such as Jeppesen, Gleim, and ASA who produce test prep books or software for the iPad or computer. The software is also availa­ble in the Learning Lab, located in the Simulator Building.