Graduate Student Resources and Forms

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6049 S. Backus Mall
Mesa, AZ 85212

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Schedule an appointment

Prospective Student?

Call 480-727-1874 to schedule an appointment.


8-5 M-F, including breaks
ASU holidays: Closed

Requesting an override

Override requests must go through the school/college offering the course. To request an override to a course offered through Fulton Schools of Engineering, please visit the override request form. The Polytechnic School processes overrides for the following prefixes: ALT, AMT, EGR, ERM, GIT, HSE, IFT, MFG, OMT, TEM, TMC

To find out the college offering your course, visit course details within the class search.

Request an Override



Individualized Study Form

Individualized Study Form for 590 Reading and Conference, 592 Research, 593 Applied Project

Individualized Study Request Form and Instructions

Medical/compassionate withdrawal

Medical/compassionate withdrawal information

International Students

Sponsor Letter Requests

Please allow five business days for your letter to be sent. Be as detailed as possible in your request; not providing necessary details may delay in the letter being sent.

Skill Verification Letter

For alumni who are beginning the process to apply for Permanent Residency (or H1B Visa) with an Employer, the legal team may request you to obtain a verification of skills obtained during your degree. If you are in this process, follow the steps in the link above to request a Skill Verification Letter (SVL).

Processing time is approximately 4 weeks.

Through skill verification, we can only verify TPS courses with these prefixes: AMT, ALT, EGR, ERM, GIT, HSE, IFT, TEM. If you completed coursework through another school and need to request skill verification for that course, you will need to reach out to the school who owns that prefix.

Skills CANNOT be verified for:

  • Applied Projects (593)
  • Capstones (570)
  • Conference and Workshop (594)
  • Continuing Registration (595)
  • Dissertation (799)
  • Internships/Curricular Practical Training (CPT) (584 / 784)
  • Practicum (580)
  • Reading and Conference (590)
  • Research (592 / 792)
  • Thesis (599)
  • Other culminating experiences (such as project portfolios or comprehensive exams) that do not have associated courses also cannot be verified.
  • Y Grades: Skills with a “Y” grade earned in the course will not be verified.

Student resources and helpful links

Schedule an appointment

Current students: Schedule using our online scheduling tool

Prospective students: Schedule an advising appointment by calling 480-727-1874