Our eProjects program connects students and industry to find innovative solutions for real-world problems.
We are able to attract and retain students of the highest potential because of the exemplary, interdisciplinary, team-based learning experiences that these projects provide.

Industry partners have access to student creativity and expertise in solving real-world problems while enjoying the opportunity to assess potential interns and workforce candidates.

Students develop project management, teamwork and communication skills while applying newly acquired knowledge, giving them the best workplace experience available in a university environment.

Faculty are an integral part of the eProject program, assigning students to teams and mentoring them throughout the project development process.
Anthony Libera
[email protected]
602-363-0170 (o)
Through the eProjects program, industry partners have the opportunity to engage with us in a mutually beneficial relationship. Challenges defined by industry partners are solved through the diligence of student teams working under the expertise of faculty members.
How it Works
Each eProject involves four to eight students who work together in an interdisciplinary team for either a semester or academic year, depending on the complexity of the project. The industry partner commits to funding the project for materials, equipment and other expenses incurred by the project. The project sponsor also provides a project liaison with whom the student team interacts to develop detailed project requirements, exchange information, negotiate changes and present interim and final results. In turn, the industry partner receives full access to all project outcomes and results. Intellectual property is retained by the industry partner.
Students present their eProjects at the bi-annual eProjects eForum and Innovation Showcase.
Capstones, eProjects and EPICS: what are the differences?
Capstones are an integrative experience specific to senior-level students who are fulfilling credit requirements and building on prior knowledge. eProjects are a technical content learning experience involving teams across all levels of experience that require specific active sponsor engagement and support and can be conducted in or out of formal coursework (although typically they would be for-credit). eProjects can serve as capstones.
Engineering Projects in Community Service or EPICS projects and eProjects share many similar features. Through EPICS, multidisciplinary teams of engineering undergraduate students are using their technical skills and innovative ideas to design and implement solutions for not-for-profit organizations in our community and around the world.